Arte para la promoción: "Capacitar a los jóvenes en materia de salud sexual y reproductiva"

Oficina del Consejo Pop (3ª planta) One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, Nueva York, NY, Estados Unidos
Organizadores: Hoja de ruta mundial para la acción, FP2030, PMNCH, Population Council, Instituto William H. Gates Sr.

In a world where youth voices are often marginalized, it’s crucial to create platforms that amplify their perspectives, particularly in sexual and reproductive health and rights-justice (SRHRJ). The Global Roadmap for Action (GRA), in collaboration with FP2030, PMNCH, Population Council, and the William H. Gates Sr. Institute, invites youth artists globally to the “Art for […]

12º Desayuno Anual de Rendición de Cuentas de PMNCH

El Club Harvard 35 W 44th St, Nueva York, NY, Estados Unidos
Organizador: PMNCH

PMNCH’s 12th annual Accountability Breakfast takes place at a moment of reset for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health and well-being. With fresh political impetus through the 77th World Health Assembly resolution (WHA77) on accelerating progress on maternal, newborn and child mortality and renewed high-level leadership through the Global Leaders’ Network for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ […]

Salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos de los adolescentes: Avanzando en la agenda para un futuro sostenible

Westin Grand Central 212 E 42nd St, Nueva York, NY, Estados Unidos
Organizadores: WHO/HRP, PMNCH

Today's 1.3 billion adolescents are not only the largest age group but also the most diverse the world has ever seen. They face considerable challenges to their sexual and reproductive health and rights and progress is never fast enough. As governments meet at the Summit of the Future to strengthen global cooperation, this high-level event invites policy […]